Monday, January 12, 2009

Choosing to be happy.

It can be really easy for me to sabotage my own happiness. My current employment contract is expiring at the end of March, and I have no confidence I will be employed by the same employer come April. A similar job opened up with another employer, so I applied for it, had the interview, and am waiting for the response.

Now, there are aspects to this other job which make it less desirable than my current job. On the other hand, my current job may not be my current job much longer.

Instead of being happy that I am gainfully employed, or happy that I may have options to continue to be gainfully employed in postions where I can value what I am doing, I am tearing myself up with trying to decide what I should do, what I really want to do, if I am even presented with a choice.

Today, I Stumbled across a video on this sort of subject that was really worth watching. I hope you find it meaningful.

1 comment:

  1. Choosing to be happy *in spite of stress and hardship* is one of the most difficult things you can to. On the other hand, it kind of tends to make everything a lot easier to deal with, so it's a good thing to exercise.

    Lead on, Mercutio!
